WarPaint Series


01: Bristol Beaufighter œ
02: Blackburn Buccaneer ’
03: Junkers Ju87
04: North American F-100
05: Hawker Typhoon œ
06: AVRO Shacklton œ
07: Junkers Ju88
08: Hawker Hunter
09: Grumman F4F Martlet/Wildcat
10: Vickers Wellington œ
11: DeHavilland Sea Vixen œ
12: Fairey Swordfish œ
13: BAC Lightning
14: Focke-Wulf Fw200
15: Short Stirling œ
16: Hawker Sea Fury ’
17: Gloster Javelin œ
18: Douglas AD Skyraider
19: DeHavilland Hornet œ
20: Supermarine Seafire w/Griffon œ
21: AW Whitley
22: Gloster Meteor
23: Fairey Gannet œ
24: Dornier Do217
25: Short Sunderland
26: Bristol Blenheim œ
27: De Havilland Vampire œ
28: Fairey Firefly œ
29: Hawker Seahawk œ
30: AVRO Vulcan ’
31: McDonnell Douglas F-4K/M
32: Douglas Boston/Havoc œ
33: Heinkel He177 œ
34: AVRO Lincoln ’
35: Fairey Barracuda œ
36: Handley Page Victor œ
37: Groster Gladiator
38: Republic F-105 Thunderchief
39: Supermarine Warlus œ
40: Canadia Sabre œ
41: Fairey Fulmar œ
42: Paulton-Paul Defiant œ
43: Lockheed F-104 Starfighter
44: De Havilland Venom/SeaVenom œ
45: Martin B-57 ’
46: Handley Page Halifax
47: McDonnell Douglas F-101 Voodoo
48: Fiat G91 œ
49: Westland Lysander ’
50: Bristol Beaufort ’
51: Lockheed P-2 Neptune ’
52: Fairey Albacore œ
53: AVRO Anson œ
54: Westland Whirlwind œ
55: Hawker Tempest ’
56: Blackburn Firebland œ
57: Handley Page Hampden/Hereford œ
58: Supermarine Swift œ
59: Lockheed Hudson Mk.I-VI œ
60: E.E. Canberra
61: Savoia Marcetti S.79
62: Handley Page Hastings
63: Vickers Valiant
64: Convair F-102 DeltaDagger
65: Westland Wessex ’
66: Bristol Bulldog œ
67: Forland Gnat/Ajeet œ
68: Bristol Brigand/Buckingham œ
69: Martin B-26 Marauder
70: Vought F4U Corsair
71: AW. Argosy œ
72: Supermarine Seafire w/Marlin ’
73: North American B-25 Mitchell
74: Hawker P.1127/Kestrel/Harrier 1-4 œ
75: BAe Sea Harrier
76: Grumman S2F/C-1/E-1 œ
77: Curtiss P-40
78: Macci C.202/205 ’
79: Consolidated PBY Catalina ’
80: SAAB 35 Draken ’
81: Junkers Ju52 ’
82: BAC Jet Provost œ
83: Fairey Battle œ
84: Grumman F6F Hellcat
85: Supermarine Scimiter œ
86: Vickers Wellsley œ
87: Grumman TBF Avenger
88: Lockheed T-33 Shooting Star
89: AVRO Lancaster
90: Boeing B-17
91: Mig-21
92: Grumman HU-16 Albatlos ’
93: Messerschmitt Me262
94: Supermarine Attacker œ
95: Westland SeaKing
96: Consolidated B-24 Libelator
97: North American A-5 Vigilante
98: AVRO York
99: McDonnell F3H Demon
100: Republic F-84F/RF-84F ’
101: De Havilland DH.82 Tiger Moth ’
102: Consolidated B-36
103: AVRO Manchester
104: General Dynamics F-111
105: Sopwith Pup
106: Sikorsky S-55/H-19 ’
107: Ilushin Il-2 Stormovik
108: Martin PBM Mariner & SP-5 Marlin œ
109: Douglas C-54/R5D
110: Westland Scout & Wasp ’
111: Vought OS2U Kingfisher œ
112: Douglas A3D Skywarrior
113: Panavia Tornado ADV ’
114: McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II
115: AW Albemarle ’
116: Fury & Nimrod
117: Douglas F4D(F-6)/F5D
118: B-45 Tornado
119: F9F Panther
120: MiG-15
121: A-4 Skyhawk
122: Albatros D.I-D.III
123: DH Chipmunk œ
124: MiG-17 ’
125: Britania & Argus
126: F-14 Tomcat
127: T-37 / A-37 ’
128: Bristol Scout ’
129: MiG-3
130: Il-28
131: Auster ’
132: B-52A-F ’
133: C-47 Skytrain/Dakota ’
134: J-29 Delfin ’
135: DH.89 Dragon Rapide & Dominie ›
136: Airspeed Oxford & Consul Z
137: Douglas SBD Dauntless
138: Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk
139: de Havilland (Canada) DHC-2 Beaver ›
140: North American OV-10 Bronco
141: Vickers Viking- Valetta & Varsity
142: Dassault Mirage F1
143: B-29/B-50
144: Mi-4 Hound
145: Penbroke, Prince & Sea Prince
146: A-6 Intruder & EA-6B Prowler

01: P-47 Thunderbolt
02: Messerschumitt Bf109
03: D.H. Mosquito
04: Cessna Birddog
05: P-51Mustang
06: Dambusters and the Lancaster

Warplane Classic
01: SEPECAT Jaguar

